FAQ : Frequently Asked Questions

1. Does eye donation mean total replacement of eyeball?

A. No, this is a common misconception. Only diseased black of eye (cornea) can be replaced if the recipient is fit to accept it.

2. The black of eye had totally turned white since long; can it be corrected by eye donation?

A. If the retina and optic nerve head are healthy as per sonography, there are good chances that it would be useful unless amblyopia sets in.

3. Can a damaged retina be corrected by eye donation? Or else this can replace any diseased part of eye?

A. No, only corneal pathology can be corrected. Also serves as a window to treat retinal diseases if any behind.

4. I am having systemic illness, can I donate my eyes? Patients with what diseases are not fit for donating.

A. Except HIV, slow virus diseases, storage disorders, and haematogenous cancers every one can donate his eyes.

5. Within what interval can I get my cataract operated in second eye.

A. As early as 3 days following the 1st eye

6. I am a myopic, underwent laser for retinal breaks, how safe is cataract surgery for me?

A. There is a slight increase in risk compared to normals, but still is extremely safe.

7. My child has squint since birth, seeing well, at what age can I get it operated.

A. Can get it done as early as 3 - 5 years, but if maintaining binocularity can delay it till 21 years.

8. My child has drooping of eyelids, what should I do?

A. This is probably congenital, should be evaluated and if not resolving with conservative management and age, can consider surgery if risk of amblyopia exists.

9. One child had retinoblastoma, what are the chances in the other sibling and next generation?

A. Risk is higher compared to normals, but not necessary that it would carry on to next generation.

10. I am a patient of RP (retinitis pigmentosa) and night blindness, is there any answer thus far? Do I lose my vision further? Does my progeny also are at risk of RP?

A. As of now it cannot be cured, but in near future retinal prosthesis could be the answer. Chances of visual loss further exist. If disease is inherited in a dominant pattern, then chances of progeny acquiring disease are high.

11. Would artificial retina/retinal prosthesis be available in near future? How effective are those?

A. Yes, could be effective,but still in clinical trails.

12. Do all premature babies require screening by a retinal surgeon,and in full term babies do they also need to be checked up particularly if they contract some systemic disease early?

A. Yes and it is a good practise to get diseased full term babies screened early.

13. My child eyes are too small, can't fix, eyes keep wandering, what to do? Can it happen to my next child too?

A. Should be evaluated by eye doctor. not necessary that it will occur in subsequent child.

14. I see a white reflex in my child's eye, how dangerous is it?

A. Can be due to cataract or an indicator of some serious retinal problem behind.

15. Watering, phobic to light, enlarged eye size at a very young age? What to do?

A. Could be due to congenital glaucoma, which is a blinding disease if not treated early.

16. How effective are low vision aids, can I start reading?

A. Could get back some reading vision, only hope where no other procedure works.

17. I see floaters on and off? Could it be a serious retinal problem?

A. Long history of this with good vision should not be a problem,but if of recent onset with persistence could be of concern as mostly it is due to retinal problem.

18. I am young with no other disease and having repeated episodes of bleeding inside my eyes, is there any hope of this stopping?

A. Could be due to a disease called periphlebitis retina, with good treatment and regular follow up, it can be taken care of.

19. I am a diabetic, how often I should get my eyes screened?

A. Yearly once from the day of diagnosis of your diabetes, if disease is already present in your eye, a more frequent followup with retinal surgeon is must.

20. I had multiple sittings of laser treatment for diabetes, still I was told I would need a surgery for bleeding and retinal detachment? Is there any end to diabetes of eye?

A. Depending on the severity of disease, surgery would be necessary for some eyes at some point of time.

21. As a hypertensive, I had heard that there could be sudden visual loss, how to be cautious, do all hypertensives are at risk?

A. Visual loss in hypertensives is related to vascular causes like obstruction of blood supply to disc and retina. You should get eye checkup along with neurological and cardiological consultation. Not all would have an eye problem.

22. Who are prone to retinal detachment? Do all myopes are at risk? How often they should get screened?

A. Myopia, eye injuries, eventful cataract surgeries make eye predisposed to retinal detachment in some. Yearly screeening is advisable.

23. I got operated for retinal detachment, I was fine for some time, I was told my retina is redetaching again, how often patients like me would need multiple surgeries?

A. 20-30% would require resurgeries.

24. I had read a lot about AMD (age related macular degeneration), who are at increased risk? Do all dry types progress to much dangerous wet form?

A. Smokers, hypertensives are at increased risk, only 15-20% would progress to wet type.

25. I had heard PDT (photo dynamic therapy) is a good answer for some forms of AMD, does single sitting work, being very expensive, how often would one require multiple sittings?

A. PDT is quite an effective modality in selected patients, some may require multiple sittings.

26. TTT laser treatment is said to be inexpensive treatment for AMD, how safe and effective is it for patients who cant afford PDT?

A. Yes you can undergo it, as it is cost effective but cant match PDT in clinical benefit.

27. I have heart ,kidney diseases and allergic problems, is it safe to undergo fluorescein/ICG angigraphy? How safe is it for pregnant patients/lactating mothers?

A. Not safe in pregnancy. Others can undergo but with emergency services back up.

28. I have allergy to dilating drops and most of eye drops? How to be cautious when I visit an eye clinic?

A. Should carry a list of allergic drops and make sure that these drops are not put for you.